Asher had his Awana Ceremony on Wednesday night. This is something that Vaughn takes him to every Wednesday, andI stay home with Mc since she goes to bed so early. Asher has really loved going for the past 5 months. What are we going to do this summer over the break?
My mom babysat Maryclaire so I could go and watch the awards ceremony. It was really neat to see Asher in action and get a feel about what he's been up to on Wednesday nights for the past few months. I knew he was a bashful kid, but he is SO shy and goofy around other children. I loved watching him interact and he was pretty proud of himself. We had a great time and I'm so glad I got to go. It felt pretty special to do something with just Asher.
My mom on the other hand did not have as good of a time as we did. We have been having a time with Mc going to bed. She's clearly tired and ready to go to bed, but seems to just HAVE to let off some steam before finally throwing in the towel for the day. She is inconsolable. If she's going to cry, which she always does, she's going to cry in her bed. I am not going to rock a baby who is screaming at me to go to sleep. Sometimes she only fusses for a few minutes, and sometimes she cries hard for 20 min, and sometimes she'll keep off and on for an hour. We try to console her, but she won't have it. My poor mama got to listen to her for almost an hour before she decided to call it a night. She said we had to find a new babysitter until Maryclaire worked her bedtime out! Her nerves were shot! Poor Nana-we hope she'll give it another go sometime!
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