We've had one of the best weekends I can remember in awhile. Just us...adding a few special touches in a mostly ordinary weekend.
We have started having movie nights with Asher occasionally on the weekend. It's just something little and special (and cheap!) we can do just with him after Maryclaire goes to bed. We cuddled, laughed and ate popcorn on our pallet we made on the floor. I usually spend movie night blogging or doing something while Asher is occupied, and it made all the difference in the world (to me anyway) to stop and really let the evening be about him. Our movie choice on the other hand did not impress me. I'll review Rango in another post, but be warned, it's not the kid movie you think it will be!
Saturday morning I got to run errands solo while Mc napped and Vaughn played with Asher. It's always refreshing to be able to do that every once in awhile.

Saturday afternoon we made an impromptu visit to an animal rehab center called Noah's Ark. It's really close to our home and I can't believe we waited this long to go. It was really awesome getting to see the animals close up. We all loved it and will definitely be going back.

After we got home, I started concentrating on dinner. I feel like a true southerner after cooking my first ever batch of FRIED GREEN TOMATOES! They were so yummy. Vaughn even called his mama to brag on me-Hehe!

The Lord even made a way for ALL of us to get to church this morning, which is a miracle in itself! Maryclaire slept in until 9:45 which made her nursing and nap schedule work out perfectly for us to go. We visited a new church, which is whole 'nother blog in itself too, and it was so nice to sit together as a family (all 4 of us!) and listen to God's word. Both kids were so well behaved and it was truly an enjoyable experience.

Then, I'm afraid I had to tackle all my chores while everyone napped. Boo! Oh well, at least I got some of them done without a little voice asking, "Mommy, will you play with me?" every 5 minutes!

My parents invited us to dinner, which is always awesome. I don't have to cook AND I get to visit with two of my favorite people. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that I live so close to them now. It's been two years and I don't take a day of it for granted! It's such a blessing!
Now, here's to the beginning of a new week and remembering to make all those little moments count with my sweet babies!
We have started having movie nights with Asher occasionally on the weekend. It's just something little and special (and cheap!) we can do just with him after Maryclaire goes to bed. We cuddled, laughed and ate popcorn on our pallet we made on the floor. I usually spend movie night blogging or doing something while Asher is occupied, and it made all the difference in the world (to me anyway) to stop and really let the evening be about him. Our movie choice on the other hand did not impress me. I'll review Rango in another post, but be warned, it's not the kid movie you think it will be!

Saturday afternoon we made an impromptu visit to an animal rehab center called Noah's Ark. It's really close to our home and I can't believe we waited this long to go. It was really awesome getting to see the animals close up. We all loved it and will definitely be going back.
After we got home, I started concentrating on dinner. I feel like a true southerner after cooking my first ever batch of FRIED GREEN TOMATOES! They were so yummy. Vaughn even called his mama to brag on me-Hehe!
The Lord even made a way for ALL of us to get to church this morning, which is a miracle in itself! Maryclaire slept in until 9:45 which made her nursing and nap schedule work out perfectly for us to go. We visited a new church, which is whole 'nother blog in itself too, and it was so nice to sit together as a family (all 4 of us!) and listen to God's word. Both kids were so well behaved and it was truly an enjoyable experience.
Then, I'm afraid I had to tackle all my chores while everyone napped. Boo! Oh well, at least I got some of them done without a little voice asking, "Mommy, will you play with me?" every 5 minutes!
My parents invited us to dinner, which is always awesome. I don't have to cook AND I get to visit with two of my favorite people. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that I live so close to them now. It's been two years and I don't take a day of it for granted! It's such a blessing!
Now, here's to the beginning of a new week and remembering to make all those little moments count with my sweet babies!
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