Asher says so many things that crack us up lately. We have to be careful not to laugh in front of him because he gets self conscious about it. He's only three! I hope maybe I can teach him to laugh at himself like we do. I thought I'd share a few funnies as of late.
"Where does jelly come from? jellyfish?"
Some of these need to be prefaced with additional info. I exclusively nurse Maryclaire and have explained to Asher in a round about way that she eats what I eat when I feed her. While we were eating turkey burgers for dinner the other night Asher asks, "Mommy, is baby sister going to eat that hamburger out of your boobie?" Oh lord, neither Vaughn or I could keep a straight face. We were laughing so hard I think we forgot to give him an answer!
Later that same evening, we were discussing with Asher where his food comes from. He knows that hamburgers come from cows...just not HOW they come from cows. He was asking the specifics on this issue, so I countered him and asked how he thought cows made hambugers. This is what he said. "I think they eat the hamburgers and then they come out of their poop." Again, a straight face I could not keep.
I wish I could remember to write down all the funny things he says! I love this kid and love it when he keeps us cracking up!
Haha! I love it!