Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a pretty uneventful weekend here on the home front, although it sure did seem to fly by. We spent Saturday outside enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather we had here. I think it even reached 70 degrees! I totally have spring fever...what a tease the weather was! I don't think I even got in the car to go anywhere on Saturday.

Asher is wallering (you know, rolling around) in the the massive pile of leaves the hubs raked up.

You can't tell it in the picture, but Maryclaire's hair was looking fire RED in the sun. Maybe this means it's lightening up?

On Sunday, we headed to my parents house so I could run some errands, get some crafty projects done and have help with the kiddos. My niece's 4th birthday is Tuesday and they are headed to our side of town for a little celebration. I made this and this for Maddie. I hope she likes them!

Maryclaire with Granbuddy. Asher is Granbuddy's right hand man and rarely lets him love on this sweet girl!
Group pictures with kiddos are always HILARIOUS!!! Thanks, Mom, for actually looking at the camera.

I hate to admit it, but we haven't been back to Sunday church since Maryclaire was born. We had all intentions and plans of going this morning, but I had a rough night with little Miss and her feeding was going to hit right in the middle of the service. There is really no private place for me to nurse her (and I am a very private nurser), so I would have had to go sit in the car hald way through. Vaughn was going to go solo and take Asher, but he decided not to be so agreeable and Vaughn couldn't get both of them ready and out the door in time. I know it isn't easy for any family to get out the door in the morning, and I feel really guilty for letting our obstacles hold us back from such an important part of our lives.


  1. yeah, carla, i laugh out loud every time i look at asher's face. priceless!


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