This was taken a few days ago. It was most definitely NOT taken today because Maryclaire has barely napped today (and it's not from lack of trying!) However, it is now 6:30 and she is already in bed for the night....hopefully. I kind of see her waking up in a few hours thinking she just took an awesome nap and is ready to play-I hope not! I am wiped out!
Anyway, this sweet, sweet picture shows just how chunky little Miss is getting. Do you see those precious rolls on her legs? That squeezable thigh? I just love a chubby baby!
I still think she's a petite little thing (that's a 0-3 month outfit she's wearing!), but boy can I tell she is filling out. Must be all the solids she's experimenting with these days.
Love those chubby thighs (and a sleeping baby :P ).