I am surely losing my mind. I have goofed up so many times lately it's getting a little ridiculous. I remember many, many times as a girl being told to "Get my head outta the clouds" and boy, do I ever need to heed that advice these days.
Late Friday afternoon while driving home from my parents I seriously thought I was going to fall asleep as the wheel. You know that feeling....when a blink feels like it takes an eternity for your eyes to open back up all the way. I made it home (whew!) and started making the cakes for my brother's cake. I dumped out the mix (yes, I use mixes...no baking from scratch here!), added the eggs and something else...although I couldn't remember what! It only takes three ingredients: eggs, water and oil and I could not remember what I had already put in. I guessed it was the water, so I added that in. WRONG!!! It apparently wasn't the water b/c my cake did not turn out at all! I decided it was in my best interest not to make any more cakes that night and go to bed...at 9:30!
Saturday morning, I ran to Target to get more cake mixes and eggs to rectify my goof from the previous night. I also had to make a return and then grabbed what I needed at lightening speed. Checked out, headed to my car only to not be able to find my car key. I backtracked, checked the service center, tore my purse apart, (repeat 3 times) and finally called my mom who lives 30 minutes away to come rescue me. Target called me a couple of hours later saying someone had found and turned in my key...Praise the Lord!
It doesn't end there.
Asher started swimming lessons today. I must have checked the schedule 10 times double checking the time and location of the lessons. They were from 11-12. WRONG Again! The lessons were ending as we were arriving. They apparently started at 10 and ended at 11. I still don't know how I goofed that up. The sweet instructor told me we could come back later in the afternoon and join one of her other classes. My goof means I had to put Mc back in the car for another hour car ride AND flub on her nap this afternoon. Thankfully, Mc did fabulously in the car today-both trips! Flubbing on the nap however led to a very lengthy process trying to get her to bed tonight b/c she was so overtired. Ironic, I know.
Swimming lessons went great though! The kids were learning to float on their back today. And it was incredibly hot out. Maryclaire was over it about 30 minutes in and was on the verge of a meltdown by the time we left. I am glad his lessons will be in the morning when it's a little cooler. I am excited to see what else Asher will learn this week.
I clicked on your blog from Kelly's Korner. ~ My sister's name is Jill - then come to find out your son & I share a birthday!
ReplyDeleteYour two kids are precious!!