Wednesday, November 16, 2011

12 Days of Thanksgiving-Day 5

Today I am thankful for rest.

Seems like 75% of the time now, we go (or at least I go) 90 to nothing. Our days start and end pretty blurry! We're up, coffee, breakfast, school, errands, play time, chores, chores, chores, emails, phone calls, more errands, dinner, bath, bedtime routines. I love it all (ok, maybe not the chores), but it sure doesn't leave me worn out and weary on occasion.

Once the kids are down, I usually have some sort of project to work on...cakes, cookies, decorating, home projects, still unpacking boxes, the list is endless. And finally, bed.

For a few hours at least until waking once or twice for sweet Maryclaire who is not yet sleeping through the night.

But on occasion (like 5 occasions so far!) I will get a glorious 6 hours when little Miss sleeps like an Angel. And I do mean glorious...I'm pretty sure I can hear the Hallelujah chorus when I wake up. And last night, dear readers, was one of those nights.

And for that, I am very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Lack of sleep makes me grouchy. I'd say most people are the same. 6 hours of sleep IS in fact glorious! (When your body is sleep deprived, 6 is a big deal!) Here's hoping you get many more heavenly nights of sleep.

    Your description made me laugh. ;)


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