Thursday, November 17, 2011

12 Days of Thanksgiving-Day 6

Today I am thankful for opportunity.

Many of you might know I have a hobby/passion for edible art. In other words, I love designing and decorating cakes, cookies, and cupcakes.

A few months ago, after much encouragement from my friends, I decided to put myself out there for people I don't know. Scary...on so many levels for me.

Some weeks are slow, some weeks are crazy, but God continues to bless me with opportunity. Opportunity to build my skills, meet new people, network, fulfill my need to be creative and help me provide for my family.

And for that, I am very thankful!


  1. Oh my goodness, Jill! Those are amazing! You have talent, no doubt! Good for you to put it to use!!! Do you have a business name?

    I enjoy eating (ha!), but don't have the patience to create such masterpieces. Keep up the great work! Word of mouth will be your best friend. ;)

  2. These are amazing! Your house may be messy like mine, but you've got a kitchen full of goodies!


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